CS WIND Offshore Sustainability

Environmental, social and governance areas in CS WIND Offshore

ESG and sustainability is a part of the foundation for the future development of CS WIND Offshore.

A renewed focus is being put on ESG and sustainability as a foundation for CS WIND Offshore’s future development.

Our initial step down this road is a full stakeholder and materiality analysis of the UN Sustainability goals, the coming requirements in the EU Taxonomy requirements and the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Paris agreement, supply chain initiatives and last, but not least, we are seeking to set up long-term strategic sustainability dialogues with our main customers.


We work diligently on complying with all applicable environmental regulations and laws, which govern our activities. To show consideration for the next generation, we support initiatives towards a cleaner and more environmentally friendly production process to secure a minimization of negative consequences for the environment.

CS WIND Offshore's main environmental and climate impact is related to the manufacturing of steel and other main components that we procure for the manufacturing of our products. As an example, more than 90% of our total greenhouse gas emissions is linked to the manufacturing of the steel we buy. Secondly, we consider the use of energy for transportation and manufacturing processes as well as handling of waste as main internal environmental challenges, which we aim to address.

In our work to mitigate our environmental impacts, we work with reducing the environmental impact from our supply chain and our products, by working closely with our customers and suppliers to ensure the lowest possible environmental impact.

We have set up the following environmental objectives:

  • Minimize emissions 
  • Reduce the electrical power consumption
  • Reduce resource consumption and waste in our operations incl. waste in an end of life scenario
  • Focus on the lifecycle perspective in our products and in our waste handling operation
  • Increase recycling of raw materials and production waste

Social and governance

Board of Directors and Diversity in management

It is the objective of CS WIND Offshore to promote diversity, including obtaining a reasonable representation of women in the Board of Directors, to strengthen the breadth of the CS WIND Offshore perspectives and competences and to further improve decision processes. It is also the objective of the Board of Directors to ensure that its members supplement each other in the best possible way regarding e.g., competences, age, background, gender, and nationality as relevant to the needs of CS WIND Offshore.

The 2024 objectives are:

  • To ensure and maintain a representation of women in the Board of Directors corresponding to min. 25-30% of the board members elected at the Annual General Meeting.
  • To ensure that the employees view the company as having a modus operandi and culture in which individual employees have equal career opportunities regardless of gender, nationality, race, religious beliefs, etc.

Code of conduct

Due to our long-term engagement with a complicated supply chain and activities across the world, we have already developed a comprehensive code of conduct for supply chain that covers our Environmental, Social and Governance obligations toward the society. When auditing suppliers, compliance with our code of conduct is scrutinized and deviations followed up upon.

Likewise, our internal code of conduct is setting up strict rules and guidance for correct behavior as CS WIND Offshore employees across all levels and positions.

You can read our Code of Conduct for partners here.

Following the above-mentioned materiality analysis, we are in the process of reviewing and updating all our external and internal policies on social and governance matters, hereunder workers’ rights, equal opportunities, harassment, bribes and incentives etc.